CDC Behavioral Health – Hamilton, Ohio
Location: 2250 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.868.1562
Fax: 513.868.1415
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services (CACS), partially supported by United Way, helps children and their families work toward regaining emotional health. Clinicians provide mental health diagnostic evaluations for children and youth, ages five through 18.
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Fax: 513.221.2126
Connections for Life
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Family Access to Integrated Recovery (FAIR)
Family Healing Center (Butler and Clermont Counties)
Butler County
Location: 2100 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.867.5650
Fax: 513.867.5669
Clermont County
Location : 2400 Clermont Center Drive, Suite 204B, Batavia OH 45103
Phone : 513.732.7190
Fax: 513.732.7194
Central Connection
Central Connection’s primary function is to access, authorize and connect individuals and families to the appropriate mental health services. Clinicians can provide mental health assessments, transitional case management and transitional medication management services, coordinate mental health referrals, provide housing assessments, and application assistance for Medicaid and Social Security enrollment.
For more information, please visit .
Ready-to-Learn School-Based Services
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Young Child Institute
2825 Burnet Avenue, 2nd Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone: 513.556.7391
Fax: 513.751.0401
Counseling (Individual, Family, & Group)
Adult Services
CDC Behavioral Health (Hamilton, Ohio)
Location: 2250 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.868.1562
Fax: 513.868.1415
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services, (CACS) partially supported by United Way, helps children, youth, and their families work toward regaining emotional health. CACS uses a range of evidence-based treatment models and therapists have been trained in a variety of trauma-informed models. Children and youth experiencing depression, anxiety, loss, trauma, behavioral problems, etc. may receive individual, family, and/or group counseling.
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Connections for Life
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Family Access to Integrated Recovery (FAIR)
Family Healing Center (Butler and Clermont Counties)
Butler County
Location: 2100 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.867.5650
Fax: 513.867.5669
Clermont County
Location: 2400 Clermont Center Drive, Suite 204B, Batavia OH 45103
Phone: 513.732.7190
Fax: 513.732.7194
Young Child Institute
2825 Burnet Avenue, 2nd Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone: 513.556.7391
Fax: 513.751.0401
Outpatient (Case Management & Medication Services)
CDC Behavioral Health (Hamilton, Ohio)
Location: 2250 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.868.1562
Fax: 513.868.1415
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services, (CACS) partially supported by United Way, helps children, youth, and their families work toward regaining emotional health. CACS uses a range of evidence-based treatment models and therapists have been trained in a variety of trauma-informed models. Children and youth experiencing depression, anxiety, loss, trauma, behavioral problems, etc. are first assessed before receiving counseling. In addition, they may be referred to case management and medication services as needed.
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Connections for Life
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Family Access to Integrated Recovery (FAIR)
Family Healing Center (Butler and Clermont Counties)
Butler County
Location: 2100 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.867.5650
Fax: 513.867.5669
Clermont County
2400 Clermont Center Drive, Suite 204B, Batavia OH 45103
Phone: 513.732.7190
Fax: 513.732.7194
Mental Health Access Point (MHAP)
MHAP’s primary function is to access, authorize and connect individuals and families to the appropriate mental health services. Clinicians can provide mental health assessments, transitional case management and transitional medication management services, coordinate mental health referrals, provide housing assessments, and application assistance for Medicaid and Social Security enrollment.
For more information, please visit .
Young Child Institute
2825 Burnet Avenue, 2nd Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone: 513.556.7391
Fax: 513.751.0401
Therapeutic Visitation
Family Healing Center (Butler and Clermont Counties)
Butler County
Location: 2100 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.867.5650
Fax: 513.867.5669
Clermont County
Location: 2400 Clermont Center Drive, Suite 204B, Batavia OH 45103
Phone: 513.732.7190
Fax: 513.732.7194
Intensive In Home-Based Treatment (IHBT)
Family Healing Center – Clermont County
Phone: 513.732.7190
Fax: 513.732.7194
School-Based services
Ready to Learn
Phone: 513.558.6635 or 513.238.8010
Fax: 513.558.5076
Therapeutic Mentoring
Therapeutic Mentoring Program
Phone: 513.556.0284
Fax: 513.558.5076
Psychological Testing
CDC Behavioral Health – Hamilton, Ohio
Location: 2250 Pleasant Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45015
Phone: 513.868.1562
Fax: 513.868.1415
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services
Child & Adolescent Counseling Services, (CACS) partially supported by United Way , helps children and youth (6-18 years old), and their families work toward regaining emotional health. T he goal of psychological testing is one (or more) of the following:
- to determine areas of special need
- to determine a child’s level of developmental or cognitive functioning
- to determine a child’s pattern of strengths and weaknesses
- to determine what, if any, mental health disorders are interfering with the child’s current functioning
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Connections for Life
- to determine areas of special need
- to determine a child’s level of developmental or cognitive functioning
- to determine a child’s pattern of strengths and weaknesses
- to determine what, if any, mental health disorders are interfering with the child’s current functioning
Phone: 513.558.5878
Fax: 513.558.5076
Ready to Learn
- to determine areas of special need
- to determine a child’s level of developmental or cognitive functioning
- to determine a child’s pattern of strengths and weaknesses
- to determine what, if any, mental health disorders are interfering with the child’s current functioning
Phone: 513.558.6635 or 513.238.8010
Fax: 513.558.5076
Young Child Institute
- to determine areas of special need
- to determine a child’s level of developmental or cognitive functioning
- to determine a child’s pattern of strengths and weaknesses
- to determine what, if any, mental health disorders are interfering with the child’s current functioning
2825 Burnet Avenue, 2nd Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45219
Phone: 513.556.7391
Fax: 513.751.0401