Picture a better 2018

Picture a better 2018

Dear Friends,

Greater Cincinnati is one of the most charitable markets in the United States. It is because of your generous gifts of time, talent, and treasure that we were able to provide hope and results to over 19,000 people last year so they can live full and productive lives. Isn’t that what we all want? This enables these people to be hopeful about tomorrow.

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Message from our President/CEO

Each time our Board of Trustees meets, we have a mission moment in which a client/patient tells his/her story. Every time I listen to a story, I feel an immediate connection to our enduring mission of almost 95-years. These men, women, and families appreciate our comprehensive approach to treatment through evidence-based practices and targeted case management services – they come to us to learn how to lead a full life. They find hope from our staff.

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Sweet Marissa

Meet Marissa. She was only 2½ years old when her parents connected with the Young Child Institute, a program of the Child & Family Treatment Center. Mom and dad were concerned about her emotional and behavioral functioning; her pediatrician thought she might be autistic. Since both of Marissa’s parents have developmental delays, it was important that she be assessed and treated.

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Mary has the keys to health

Meet Mary, a 63-year old woman with significant mental health concerns as well as hypertension, diabetes, and coronary artery disease who was referred to Mental Health Access Point’s (MHAP) Keys to Health program due to multiple emergency room (ER) and inpatient admissions. Mary has been working diligently with the Keys to Health staff for a year and a half.

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Meet Carol…

Carol was raised by parents who had little experience with children. In addition, she experienced much emotional trauma and did not learn coping skills from her parents to effectively deal with what was happening around her. Carol’s way to cope was to drink and this began at the young age of nine.

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In the News

Addiction recovery for women: Alternative intervention has good success rate

CINCINNATI (WKRC) – A local woman said she struggled for years with addiction until she found a program that targeted to her own needs.

It is a program for women only, that is available through Central Behavioral Health in the community. It has one of the highest success rates in the country.

Read the whole story here.

Child & Family Treatment Center

Connections for Life (CFL) has a new home! CFL, partially supported by United Way, is a formal collaborative that serves young children, birth to age five, who have experienced chronic and complex trauma. We partner with Cincinnati Occupational Therapy Institute and the Hearing Speech & Deaf Center of Greater Cincinnati to provide an integrative treatment approach including mental health, occupational therapy and speech therapy. CFL’s primary goal is to remediate the effect chronic trauma has on children’s development – ultimately better positioning them to be successful in kindergarten.

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Tea, Talk & Learn

Central Clinic Behavioral Health’s Foundation Board hosted the 2nd Annual Tea, Talk & Learn on May 16th at the Queen City Club in Cincinnati. Dr. Walter Smitson, President/CEO provided a warm welcome to everyone on behalf of Central Clinic Behavioral Health’s staff and Board of Directors.

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